Healing sessions with Daniele Hart typically include multiple healing modalities based on the clients' issues.
Pricing of Remote or In Person Sessions with multiple modalities: 60 min $110 75 min $125 or 3-pack $325 (most popular) 90 min $140 120 min $170
Some modalities are offered on their own upon client request: Reflexology 60 min $95 Reiki(also available remotely): 45 min: $95 60 min: $105 75 min: $115
Emotional Clearing 60 min $105 (also available remotely) Please add hst to the listed prices.
Healing sessions are available as follows: Mon, 10am-4:30pm Tue to Fri 1-4:30pm
***If these times are not suitable for you, you may request a distant healing, which I will do in my own time, and will send you an audio recording of your session allowing you to receive the healing multiple times.
Please contact Daniele to book a session. Thank you.