Yoga Class Descriptions
At Heart Journey, my goal is to empower you to use what you learn on your mat and bring it into your life.
Learn to live your life in harmony and alignment with your true self, the essence of authentic yoga.
The practice of yoga has the power to engage you totally, and provides an entry point into experiencing unity of mind, body, heart, and soul.
You will find below a quick explanation of the styles that I gravitate towards as a teacher. Many styles are listed so to keep it simple, I generally combine some Flow and Hatha in my classes, and I throw in some of the other styles here and there as I feel inspired to do so. Further below, you will discover more information about the classes taught on a regular basis.
The best way to know if you're going to resonate with my style is to try a class. Feel empowered, balanced, good in your body and with yourself! Each class has a theme based on wisdom teachings, inspiring readings, as well as yogic and/or mindfulness concepts.
A Quick Explanation of the Different Class Styles That I Enjoy Teaching:
Amrit: A meditative and inward practice of traditional yoga poses focused on breath, bodily sensations, alignment, press points, energetic extensions, and connection with your authentic self.
Hatha: A more traditional way of practicing yoga, with posture holds of various lengths, and a focus on breath and physical alignment.
Kundalini: Dynamic combination of breath, mantra, and movement to build inner strength and stamina.
Kripalu: A practice based on self-inquiry, compassion, and adapting the poses to your body's ability while working at your edge.
Flow/Vinyasa: Flowing from pose to pose in coordination with the breath to increase flexibility, range of motion, and strength.
Restorative: Deeply relaxing and stretchy poses done with props and held for a longer time during which you can surrender and let go.
Therapeutic: Poses held longer with the use of props or teacher assists that target bodily sensations and the release of energy blocks (during these covid times, there will be no teacher assists).
Yin: A stilling and cooling practice aimed on the deep stretching of connective tissues and joints.
Yoga Nidra: A deeply relaxing and transformational meditation practice that takes you into alpha/theta brainwaves.
Gentle Yoga Explorations
Practice yoga in a way that completely honours your body, and bring peace, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, heart, and soul. We will start with a soft breathing practice or centering meditation, and explore various styles of gentle yoga, including comfortable hatha stretches, easy flows, therapeutic and restorative postures, and at times, Yoga Nidra and meditation. Every week, the class is different, the only constant is that the practice is gentle. This class addresses various needs and is particularly suitable for: beginners; people who have been away from yoga for a while; people with various injuries; seniors. Low intensity
Gentle Yoga: Going Further
Continue to practice yoga in a way that completely honours your body, and bring peace, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, heart, and soul. The practice is very similar to the Gentle Yoga Explorations class, the difference is that posture variations will be offered for those who wish to challenge themselves a bit more. The class has flow and holding elements with Daniele's signature meditative and integrative moments, as well as breathing practices. Every week, the class is different, the only constant is that the practice is gentle with an element of challenge for those who desire it; you will leave feeling relaxed, calm, and centered. This class addresses various needs and is particularly suitable for: beginners; people who have been away from yoga for a while; people with various injuries; seniors. Low intensity +
Restore & Flow Mid-Week Reset
This is the perfect class to hit the reset button half-way through the week to have the energy and motivation we need to end the remaining days on a high note! We start the class with a restorative pose to unplug from the hustle and bustle, then invite gentle stretches to warm up and smooth the kinks out. We then continue with combinations of flowing sequences (re. slow flows, vinyasas, and kundalini-yoga-inspired movements) to cleanse and recalibrate our energies, interspersed with posture holds of well-known hatha yoga asanas to build inner strength and resilience. We end our practice with a blissful and relaxing restorative pose to seal the deal for a beautiful mind, body, and heart reset that will leave us feeling refreshed, calm, and inspired for the rest of our week. Enjoy! Low to Medium Intensity
Yoga for All Bodies
A great class to let go of your busy week and to get ready for a fantastic weekend! This class is mostly a structured hatha practice, with elements of flow for increased flexibility and mobility. There may be at times, short periods of unstructured exploratory practice to allow the body to fully reset and release its kinks. This is a great class for those seeking a more structured practice, while allowing moments of freedom of expression as an introduction to Amrit Yoga's Meditation-in-Motion. All levels of yoga experience are welcome. Low to Medium Intensity
Yoga and Meditation for Everyone - Special Classes, new one each week!
Bring some peace, balance, and harmony into your week with this evening yoga class that will leave you calm and centered. Each week, a new theme is explored as we start with 60 min of yoga (the style may vary each week: hatha; flow; Amrit; Yin; Kundalini), and we end with 15 min of meditation to wind down fully. Typically, the meditations include both guided and unguided components, and specific meditative techniques from various styles or traditions are practiced. It is a great way to expand your meditative horizons. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga and meditation experience, beginners are welcome! Low to Medium Intensity
Learn to live your life in harmony and alignment with your true self, the essence of authentic yoga.
The practice of yoga has the power to engage you totally, and provides an entry point into experiencing unity of mind, body, heart, and soul.
You will find below a quick explanation of the styles that I gravitate towards as a teacher. Many styles are listed so to keep it simple, I generally combine some Flow and Hatha in my classes, and I throw in some of the other styles here and there as I feel inspired to do so. Further below, you will discover more information about the classes taught on a regular basis.
The best way to know if you're going to resonate with my style is to try a class. Feel empowered, balanced, good in your body and with yourself! Each class has a theme based on wisdom teachings, inspiring readings, as well as yogic and/or mindfulness concepts.
A Quick Explanation of the Different Class Styles That I Enjoy Teaching:
Amrit: A meditative and inward practice of traditional yoga poses focused on breath, bodily sensations, alignment, press points, energetic extensions, and connection with your authentic self.
Hatha: A more traditional way of practicing yoga, with posture holds of various lengths, and a focus on breath and physical alignment.
Kundalini: Dynamic combination of breath, mantra, and movement to build inner strength and stamina.
Kripalu: A practice based on self-inquiry, compassion, and adapting the poses to your body's ability while working at your edge.
Flow/Vinyasa: Flowing from pose to pose in coordination with the breath to increase flexibility, range of motion, and strength.
Restorative: Deeply relaxing and stretchy poses done with props and held for a longer time during which you can surrender and let go.
Therapeutic: Poses held longer with the use of props or teacher assists that target bodily sensations and the release of energy blocks (during these covid times, there will be no teacher assists).
Yin: A stilling and cooling practice aimed on the deep stretching of connective tissues and joints.
Yoga Nidra: A deeply relaxing and transformational meditation practice that takes you into alpha/theta brainwaves.
Gentle Yoga Explorations
Practice yoga in a way that completely honours your body, and bring peace, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, heart, and soul. We will start with a soft breathing practice or centering meditation, and explore various styles of gentle yoga, including comfortable hatha stretches, easy flows, therapeutic and restorative postures, and at times, Yoga Nidra and meditation. Every week, the class is different, the only constant is that the practice is gentle. This class addresses various needs and is particularly suitable for: beginners; people who have been away from yoga for a while; people with various injuries; seniors. Low intensity
Gentle Yoga: Going Further
Continue to practice yoga in a way that completely honours your body, and bring peace, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, heart, and soul. The practice is very similar to the Gentle Yoga Explorations class, the difference is that posture variations will be offered for those who wish to challenge themselves a bit more. The class has flow and holding elements with Daniele's signature meditative and integrative moments, as well as breathing practices. Every week, the class is different, the only constant is that the practice is gentle with an element of challenge for those who desire it; you will leave feeling relaxed, calm, and centered. This class addresses various needs and is particularly suitable for: beginners; people who have been away from yoga for a while; people with various injuries; seniors. Low intensity +
Restore & Flow Mid-Week Reset
This is the perfect class to hit the reset button half-way through the week to have the energy and motivation we need to end the remaining days on a high note! We start the class with a restorative pose to unplug from the hustle and bustle, then invite gentle stretches to warm up and smooth the kinks out. We then continue with combinations of flowing sequences (re. slow flows, vinyasas, and kundalini-yoga-inspired movements) to cleanse and recalibrate our energies, interspersed with posture holds of well-known hatha yoga asanas to build inner strength and resilience. We end our practice with a blissful and relaxing restorative pose to seal the deal for a beautiful mind, body, and heart reset that will leave us feeling refreshed, calm, and inspired for the rest of our week. Enjoy! Low to Medium Intensity
Yoga for All Bodies
A great class to let go of your busy week and to get ready for a fantastic weekend! This class is mostly a structured hatha practice, with elements of flow for increased flexibility and mobility. There may be at times, short periods of unstructured exploratory practice to allow the body to fully reset and release its kinks. This is a great class for those seeking a more structured practice, while allowing moments of freedom of expression as an introduction to Amrit Yoga's Meditation-in-Motion. All levels of yoga experience are welcome. Low to Medium Intensity
Yoga and Meditation for Everyone - Special Classes, new one each week!
Bring some peace, balance, and harmony into your week with this evening yoga class that will leave you calm and centered. Each week, a new theme is explored as we start with 60 min of yoga (the style may vary each week: hatha; flow; Amrit; Yin; Kundalini), and we end with 15 min of meditation to wind down fully. Typically, the meditations include both guided and unguided components, and specific meditative techniques from various styles or traditions are practiced. It is a great way to expand your meditative horizons. This class is suitable for all levels of yoga and meditation experience, beginners are welcome! Low to Medium Intensity
Amrit Yoga for All Bodies
Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced yogi, this class offers a well-rounded practice anchored in the traditional yogic teachings of Patanjali: wisdom teachings from a lineage of masters (Yamas/Niyamas), postures (Asana), breathing (Pranayama), inward focus (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana), and integration (Samadhi). This class is designed to help you master a set of traditional hatha yoga poses as you learn to disengage from your mind, and drop into your felt experience. Using breath, alignment, inward focus, meditative awareness, and energetic press points as anchors, you will experience the interplay of "making it happen" and "letting it happen". Becoming more established in this type of practice, you will awaken to the presence of energy (prana) within yourself and dismantle energetic blockages, experience a deeper connection with yourself, and grow at all levels of your being. If you are new to yoga, this class will provide a strong foundation for your developing practice. Low to Medium intensity.
Gentle Stretch & Yoga Nidra Meditation
Enter the “zero-stress zone” with yoga nidra. Also called "integrative relaxation", yoga nidra literally translates as "yogic sleep"; it is also considered a form of meditation that is achieved effortlessly simply by relaxing deeply. While lying down, the student is guided into deep levels of relaxation through breathing and focusing techniques, imagery and meditation. As the brainwaves shift into alpha and theta states, students work with intention to implant seed information at the deepest levels of their mind to create lasting transformation. Themes explored generally revolve around personal growth, healing, and/or relaxation. Benefits include stress reduction/elimination, improved sleep, and a more generalized "zen" attitude. This class starts with 25 minutes of gentle yoga, and is followed with 30 min of yoga nidra. This class will help you stretch and open up the body, release long-held tension, and finally it will bring you to a state of wholeness, inner peace and balance. No yoga experience necessary, perfect for absolute beginners who wish to ease into a yoga practice,a and for those who need to balance their stress/anxiety, and find healing. Low intensity.
Kundalini-Vinyasa Magic
This class will leave you feeling energized and uplifted! With Vinyasa yoga, you will flow smoothly from one pose to another for greater flexibility and ease of movement. With Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, you will dynamically combine breath, movement, and mantra to help build inner strength, balance, and resilience in your life. Each class will incorporate graceful and inspiring vinyasa flows and specific kundalini kriyas (series of poses) that address common physical, emotional/mental or spiritual needs. The emphasis will be on making this practice work for your own body by going at your preferred pace during the kriyas, whether it's slow, moderate or intense, it's up to you! Through this practice, your inner energy will get activated, this is where the magic resides! Low-Medium-High Intensity, make it your own!
Vinyasa Flow for Flexibility
This is a beautiful class that combines breath and movement together, inviting ease and flow into our life! It brings a variety of asanas onto the mat, allowing you to deepen your practice by developing greater balance, strength and flexibility. This class will help to spark the inner light in each and everyone of us, allowing ourselves to walk through life with grace, confidence and presence. Low to Medium Intensity.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a more passive, cooling, inwardly focused practice that targets the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. Suitable for all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Poses are held for longer periods of time with the intention to relax and let go into the stretch. There is a gentle focus on breath and bodily sensations, making it also a calming meditative practice.
Low to Medium Intensity.
Yin Yang Yoga
This class begins with the experiencing of the cooling, passive polarity that is Yin Yoga, as we target hard-to-stretch connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body. Gradually, we shift into a more muscular, heated Yang practice, as we combine breath and movement together through various flows and posture holds that build on one another. Eventually, we settle back into relaxing poses to help integrate our whole practice, allowing the polarities within us to return to a state of harmony and balance. This is a great practice to bring greater harmony within yourself, especially if you have been struggling with making a decision, resolving inner conflict, or if you feel pulled in many directions. Low to Medium intensity.
Yoga-lates: Yoga & Pilates
Let's break a bit of a sweat as we fuse some of the best postures of Yoga with Pilates, a practice that sculpts and stretches every muscle of the body without stress or strain, keeping in mind that a little effort is good for us, right? Pilates offers a fantastic way to tone the stomach and abs, it works the core so well, you'll see! Come and strengthen, lengthen, and tone your body, as we combine familiar yoga poses in a new way with some great Pilates moves! Let's leave the wisdom teachings out of the door for this class... this is meant to be a more physical class. Low to Medium intensity.
Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced yogi, this class offers a well-rounded practice anchored in the traditional yogic teachings of Patanjali: wisdom teachings from a lineage of masters (Yamas/Niyamas), postures (Asana), breathing (Pranayama), inward focus (Pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana), and integration (Samadhi). This class is designed to help you master a set of traditional hatha yoga poses as you learn to disengage from your mind, and drop into your felt experience. Using breath, alignment, inward focus, meditative awareness, and energetic press points as anchors, you will experience the interplay of "making it happen" and "letting it happen". Becoming more established in this type of practice, you will awaken to the presence of energy (prana) within yourself and dismantle energetic blockages, experience a deeper connection with yourself, and grow at all levels of your being. If you are new to yoga, this class will provide a strong foundation for your developing practice. Low to Medium intensity.
Gentle Stretch & Yoga Nidra Meditation
Enter the “zero-stress zone” with yoga nidra. Also called "integrative relaxation", yoga nidra literally translates as "yogic sleep"; it is also considered a form of meditation that is achieved effortlessly simply by relaxing deeply. While lying down, the student is guided into deep levels of relaxation through breathing and focusing techniques, imagery and meditation. As the brainwaves shift into alpha and theta states, students work with intention to implant seed information at the deepest levels of their mind to create lasting transformation. Themes explored generally revolve around personal growth, healing, and/or relaxation. Benefits include stress reduction/elimination, improved sleep, and a more generalized "zen" attitude. This class starts with 25 minutes of gentle yoga, and is followed with 30 min of yoga nidra. This class will help you stretch and open up the body, release long-held tension, and finally it will bring you to a state of wholeness, inner peace and balance. No yoga experience necessary, perfect for absolute beginners who wish to ease into a yoga practice,a and for those who need to balance their stress/anxiety, and find healing. Low intensity.
Kundalini-Vinyasa Magic
This class will leave you feeling energized and uplifted! With Vinyasa yoga, you will flow smoothly from one pose to another for greater flexibility and ease of movement. With Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, you will dynamically combine breath, movement, and mantra to help build inner strength, balance, and resilience in your life. Each class will incorporate graceful and inspiring vinyasa flows and specific kundalini kriyas (series of poses) that address common physical, emotional/mental or spiritual needs. The emphasis will be on making this practice work for your own body by going at your preferred pace during the kriyas, whether it's slow, moderate or intense, it's up to you! Through this practice, your inner energy will get activated, this is where the magic resides! Low-Medium-High Intensity, make it your own!
Vinyasa Flow for Flexibility
This is a beautiful class that combines breath and movement together, inviting ease and flow into our life! It brings a variety of asanas onto the mat, allowing you to deepen your practice by developing greater balance, strength and flexibility. This class will help to spark the inner light in each and everyone of us, allowing ourselves to walk through life with grace, confidence and presence. Low to Medium Intensity.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a more passive, cooling, inwardly focused practice that targets the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice. Suitable for all levels of students, Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic and muscular (yang) styles of yoga that emphasize internal heat, and the lengthening and contracting of our muscles. Yin Yoga generally targets the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Poses are held for longer periods of time with the intention to relax and let go into the stretch. There is a gentle focus on breath and bodily sensations, making it also a calming meditative practice.
Low to Medium Intensity.
Yin Yang Yoga
This class begins with the experiencing of the cooling, passive polarity that is Yin Yoga, as we target hard-to-stretch connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body. Gradually, we shift into a more muscular, heated Yang practice, as we combine breath and movement together through various flows and posture holds that build on one another. Eventually, we settle back into relaxing poses to help integrate our whole practice, allowing the polarities within us to return to a state of harmony and balance. This is a great practice to bring greater harmony within yourself, especially if you have been struggling with making a decision, resolving inner conflict, or if you feel pulled in many directions. Low to Medium intensity.
Yoga-lates: Yoga & Pilates
Let's break a bit of a sweat as we fuse some of the best postures of Yoga with Pilates, a practice that sculpts and stretches every muscle of the body without stress or strain, keeping in mind that a little effort is good for us, right? Pilates offers a fantastic way to tone the stomach and abs, it works the core so well, you'll see! Come and strengthen, lengthen, and tone your body, as we combine familiar yoga poses in a new way with some great Pilates moves! Let's leave the wisdom teachings out of the door for this class... this is meant to be a more physical class. Low to Medium intensity.