Reiki Healing Crystal Grid for Awakening & Ascension
Continuous positive healing energy sent daily
Clear blockages and manifest your heartfelt intention
Awaken, grow, and evolve, fulfill your destiny on the earth
Receive messages from benevolent High Beings and helping spirit
Welcome higher energies and activations
I started this healing grid process in August 2020 during these crazy times we are living in as a means to share upliftment, spiritual support, positive healing energy, and blessings for an extended period of time for participants. The grid has also been used as a tool for the manifestation of your heartfelt intention to help you create the kind of life that you truly desire. Manifesting your intention has the potential to create more happiness in your life, which is a great way to increase your vibration, raise the consciousness on the planet, and transcend the layers of fear brought on by the media.
We are currently living in very powerful transformational times if we choose to align with these energies. Opportunities for mass awakening are currently available for humanity. Our personal growth and evolution deeply impact Mother Earth. We are the ones who can raise her to the 5th dimension, this is where she wants to go, and she needs us.
This Healing Grid has been growing and evolving with each 7-day cycle done since the summer. It has become clear to me that this grid serves the higher purpose of supporting both your own and Mother Earth’s awakening and ascension process. Powerful energies from Source, the 12 rays, Christ Consciousness, the Three-fold Flame, and Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power have been merging with the grid through the flow of Reiki Healing energy, which is the glue that keeps it all together. Inspiring messages, deep karmic releases and healings, as well as activations have been coming through for the highest good of all. This grid respects your free will, and will not impose on you anything that you are not comfortable with: you are the one who decides to open yourself up to the energies when you read the detailed email I send daily about what transpired during that day’s transmission into the grid.
If you are committed to accelerating your own personal growth and evolution, this grid process may be exactly what you need at this time. This process will be more effective for you if you also do your part by taking the time to contemplate or meditate upon the messages and energies received and journal about your experiences during the 7-day cycle. Many so far have experienced deep shifts and healings, and gained valuable insights into their own life.
I am now providing at no extra charge a preparatory meditation to help you get ready for the grid's energies, another one to use each day of the grid to help you receive the energies better (this is optional if you wish to use it), and a final meditation sent on Day 8 to help you integrate the energies received during the 7-day grid cycle. Handouts are provided to support your inner reflections.
What is a Reiki Crystal Grid?
It is an advanced Reiki healing technique that combines the healing power of Reiki and of crystals strategically placed on powerful and ancient healing symbols. Quartz crystals are known to be great transmitters of energy and of information, and they can be programmed in a certain way to send healing energy continuously over a period of time. This process is further enhanced by the use of other crystals such as amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, calcite, carnelian, etc. placed all around.
High Beings are called in for assistance such as Kwan Yin, Jesus, the Buddha, the Ascended Masters and Angels/Archangels of Love, Light and Healing, your Power Animals, Higher Self, Guardian Angel and your Soul Cluster Spirit Guides who are there to support you for your highest good and healing, in accordance with your Soul’s blueprint.
The grid gets charged daily for at least 30 min with all of the above and the energy is sent to you and your healing intention; the grid keeps working for the next 24 hours with the help of the High Beings, the Reiki-infused healing crystals, and the powerful healing symbols. Be open to receive blessings, insights, and a healing shift, the grid can also bring gifts and miracles, big and small!
Every day, after I have charged the grid and sent healing with the High Beings and reiki, you will receive a detailed email to let you know about the energies of that day, messages that came through, along with any other words of wisdom, guidance, and insights I may have received to assist the group.
Here is what some participants have shared from previous healing grid cycles, in relation to their healing intention and what they experienced:
“… my energy level was super high. I had no overwhelming desire to overeat or for sweet foods; I ate well and exercised all week. As for the cigarettes, well that one is a bit tougher… I have not had one for a few days but am really craving them.”
“I felt happier! (My love partner) was loving and supportive and helped me when I fell down… He seemed to be more caring…”. This person also noticed more abundance coming to her in the form of special deals on purchases, a client booking, receiving baked goods from a friend, unexpected longer healing session and added bonus received at no extra charge from a practitioner.
Another lady experienced some clearing during the first half of the week, then had a dream with her departed mother and she felt “… a calmness come over me, an acceptance, a knowing and feeling of love around me”.
“I feel that this past week was empowering for me and provided me with many insights… This was an awesome experience! Thank you!”
“Over the week I have had this overall sense of calm despite the usual life/work stresses”, while her intention still needs time to fully manifest.
Another person was running into challenges with the sale of his condo. Half way through the 7-day cycle, the condo was finally sold and all the conditions were satisfied.
I had my own intention in the grid, and I experienced more joy, and received many insights about my life and work. I signed up for an Angel Tarot Card Reading course and it’s so much fun! Some of my pets were placed in the grid: I asked for my 11-year old dog’s recent wound on her paw to be healed along with the large fatty lump on that same paw. The wound is now healed fully, the fatty lump is still there, but all week, she had so much energy after I did the grid, she was like a puppy and wanted to play every evening. Normally, she just sleeps all evening. My new kitty was placed in the grid for the healing of her belly and solar plexus chakra (emotions!). She has many fears, especially of the dog. Well, this week, she came down in the living room where the dog is of her own accord three times, and hung out with us! Normally, she stays upstairs all the time.
Here is an insight I received about what emotions truly are, which I shared with participants: “Dis-ease, unhappiness, energy blockages, trapped emotions, and such, create an inhibition of our soul’s expression, this is an esoteric teaching that I am familiar with. The deep insight that I got today is that our emotions are actually messages from our soul that reflect our deepest truth. Our soul is sending us these emotions as a way to free itself. Our soul longs to express itself fully. What you most want for yourself, the intention that you provided for the grid, is a call from your soul that reflects its desire to express itself and be free. Underneath each of your intentions, there are emotions that need to be fully acknowledged, and loved for what they are: messages from your soul. The healing practice for you is to pay attention to these messages, and listen deeply to them with unconditional love, acceptance and self-compassion. This is your soul talking to you. If you simply listen, and feel these emotions with love and acceptance, they will move through you and free themselves. Your soul will soar with relief and happiness, and this will allow it to express all of its positive aspects that you so much want in your life: love, happiness, fulfillment, abundance, etc.”
To join this beautiful and powerful Reiki Healing Crystal Grid, please send your name and personal healing intentionto:
416-994-7367 or [email protected] Please note that your intention needs to be for you or a pet, not another person.
The next Reiki Healing Crystal Grid will take place from March 24-31, 2021, so that we can take advantage of both the New Moon and Full Moon energies on March 28 while we're in the grid!
Cost: $45 + hst for 7 days of continuous healing energy! Includes recordings and handouts. Limited space available. Please reserve your spot well in advance.
For this group healing, please sign the Online Wellness Waiver here.